Plumbing inspection checklist template

In commercial plumbing, having a checklist to present to your clients is crucial. Download your free commercial plumbing inspection checklist today.

What is a plumbing inspection checklist used for?

A commercial plumbing inspection checklist template is a document outlining the various tasks to complete and fixtures to check during a routine plumbing inspection. Commercial plumbing differs from residential plumbing in several ways, including the installation process, types of piping, and potential risks.

Commercial plumbing inspection checklist example

The most common items on a commercial plumbing inspection checklist template include:

  1. Plumber’s name/ID number
  2. Client’s name
  3. Date and time of inspection
  4. Client’s address
  5. Checklist of various common inspection areas
  6. Space for notes
  7. Places for both inspector and client to sign

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