Electrician TEMPLATES

Electrician flat-rate pricing template

An electrician flat-rate pricing simplifies the pricing and payment structures for electrical contractors. A flat-rate pricing structure is more efficient than charging for time and materials, and customers like knowing the upfront costs for a particular service.

Electrician flat-rate pricing example

An electrician flat-rate pricing document includes:

  1. Customer’s name, physical address, email address, and phone number
  2. Description of the services offered by the electrician with the flat-rate price
  3. List of services needed by the customer and the flat-rate price for each
  4. Total cost for the project, including materials
  5. Date the work will be completed

Electrician flat-rate pricing template download

Fill out the form below and download this free template to start using for your business today.

Get in touch: 858-251-9751

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