Electrician TEMPLATES

SWMS electrical template

An SWMS (Safe Work Method Statement) electrical template documents all the tasks performed during an electrical job. It also shows the potential risks and lists hazard control measures to mitigate those risks. This document ensures both supervisors and workers understand the requirements for carrying out high-risk work. An SWMS should be prepared by a qualified electrical contractor.

SWMS electrical template example

A safe work method statement includes:

  1. Company’s name, address, and phone number
  2. Client’s name, address, and phone number
  3. Location of the work site
  4. Name of person preparing the SWMS
  5. Name of person responsible for ensuring compliance with the SWMS
  6. Date the SWMS was prepared
  7. Date the SWMS was reviewed, if applicable
  8. Signature of the person preparing and reviewing the SWMS
  9. Individual tasks and identifying numbers
  10. Description of what each task involves
  11. Description of potential hazards and risks when executing that task
  12. Description of what will be done to mitigate those hazards and risks
  13. Names of the workers who will be carrying out the job
  14. Signatures of workers acknowledging the SWMS’s content

SWMS electrical template download

Fill out the form below and download this free template to start using for your business today.

Get in touch: 858-251-9751

Download a free SWMS electrical template